Saturday, August 4, 2018

2018 10th Annual SMUG Summer Picnic

Well, we did it. We had a summer picnic after all, with a bit of Gospel music added for flair. Our original date of July 21st had to be cancelled so Aug 4th was the accepted date but because of at least 13 cancellations we ended cancelling that too. As a result we planned a Gospel Hour at Hillsboro on their back lawn and brought in some Pizza for lunch( which wasn't quite enough, I'm afraid)(But we're learning) Last year we had two pizza's left over. We had 29 of our group not able to make the morning today, but those of us that did make it had fun and a very warm taste of picnic air under the trees at Hillsboro. The rain held off but the weather was very humid. The thought of having a fall picnic when we return in the fall could become a possibility......a good thing to do, but when it is a bit cooler maybe.As I am writing this the sun has come out and there is blue sky everywhere. Thanks to you all who were able to make it this morning.... a good time was had by all.

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