Sunday, July 19, 2015


With a much needed rain outdoors, SMUG performed well at St. Andrews United Church in Vernon Bridge. A pretty large crowd for a summer congregation enjoyed a morning of prayer, scripture and much, much song. Veda Storey favoured us with her flute for four numbers, accompanied by the church organist, Lynda Sharpe. Then Richard MacRae sang a beautiful solo "Every Day Is A Gift From The Lord", accompanied by both Veda and Lynda. SMUG sang or participated in 13 songs, our largest program in a church service ever. The director was well poo-ed when it was over but all in the church seemed happy with the different morning set upon them. It once again gave SMUG an opportunity to have Lynda play along with us, or vice versa.....she is a wonder on the keyboard and compliments our music well. Thanks to those who were able to be with us this morning. I know some traveled great distances to be in attendance today. St Andrews is at present without a permanent minister, but the position will be filled in September. Our thanks to the congregation for making us feel welcome, and to Lynda for her hard work in getting us prepared!!!!!.

Veda and Lynda prepare for the service

Veda Storey and Lynda Sharpe (Beautiful)
After  the service
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Lynda at practise on Saturday

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