Saturday, May 19, 2018


Fresh from the Royal Matrimonial Magic at Windsor Castle, Audrey and Gloria arrived early this morning with their head feathers still in tact. A grand morning to be up early to see the Pomp and Pageantry.

Good fun again as we even found the coffee pot still worked, and some ginger snaps mystically appeared. My thanks to Kelly for her great effort....we're getting better and will soon have the program down and ready for Canada Day.
Have a good week.....hoping a tad warmer too,


Sunday, May 6, 2018


Internationally known Ukulele Artist Manitoba Hal Brolund from, most recently, Shelburn Nova Scotia, gave a BLUES UKULELE WORKSHOP today at The Vessel in Downtown Charlottetown. About 30 enthusiastic ukulele players from the Queens County area were in attendance to participate in the Blues Workshop and listen to Hal strumming and picking some great BLUES. The event was brought about by Guy Sonier, a long time friend of Hal who recently moved to PEI from British Columbia. Guy represents Cloud Music and sells ukuleles, many which were on display at the workshop today. Also displaying was Heidi Litke of Red Sands Ukuleles, who builds ukuleles, as well as Adam Johnston who is the luthier who runs AMJ Guitars in Oyster Bed and also is building some beautiful ukuleles. Following the workshop Hal drew a ballot for a Heidi Litke Red Sands CD which was won by Almut Lecours, and finally the grand prize, a beautiful ukulele donated by Guy's Cloud Music which was won by Aiden Galloway.(Shown above with Guy Sonier and Manitoba Hal).