The Retrofrets in CONCERT |

DOUBLE CLICKING ON THE PHOTOS ENLARGES THE PICTURE About a month ago, Worshipful Master Michael Learie of St. John's Lodge contacted me to ask if SMUG would be willing to participate as entertainment at a widows' luncheon he was planning. I suggested that 25 SMUGGERS might be a bit large for the venue and maybe our gospel group, WineSing, might be more appropriate. He agreed and in issuing the invitation I found that their two sopranos and bass player would be out of town. So I contacted our much younger group, The Retrofrets, who were more than willing to be a part of this elegant day that was being planned. They also suggested it might be good if the WineSingers that were available would join them. And so it came to pass, and it happened yesterday in a very warm and well planned event at Holland College Centre for Applied Science & Technology. The Retrofrets arrived at 3 p.m. and did a 15-20 minute presentation that seemend to be enjoyed by all present,and which ended in a very welcome standing ovation. ___________________________________________________________________ During the program prior to our arrival, the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Paul Montgomery had an opportunity to visit with the widows, an annual custom that St John's made a change in this year to make a more social event for all. The Grand Master and Wor.Bro Learie also made presentations to Most Wor. Bro. Harley Ings,PGM, a 50 year pin and certificate, and Wor.Bro.(h) Lorne Keizer with a 60 year pin and certificate. Brother Ings is a long-time member of SMUG and it was great to see him out and on the go again.
___________________________________________________________________ Our thanks to the Grand Master for offering to be our personal photographer during our presentation, and to Mrs. Learie for presenting us with bags of special treats for our after dinner enjoyment. And last, but certainly not least, to Brother Learie for coming up with this special event and inviting the Retrofrets to participate.....we had fun.
Wor.Bro(h) Lorne Keizer and Past Grand Master David Mosher displaying Brother Keizers 60 year certificate |
Bro.Mark Crowther, VWB Douglas Morton, MWB Kendal Godkin |
Worshipful Master Learie presenting 60 year pin to Worshipful Brother Zeizer |
Most Worshipful Grand Master Montgomery presenting certificate to Wor.Bro.Keizer |
Entertainment The Retrofrets |
Most Worshipful Brother Ings receives 50 year Certificate from The Grand Master |
Brother Charlie Carr congratulates MWB Ings |