Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Beautiful Morning at Beach Grove Home

Beautiful Prince Edward Island Morning out our front window

This morning SMUG again had the privilege of playing a new fall program for the residents of Beach Grove Home in Charlottetown. We performed an hour show of the oldies along with some gospel selections all under the capable direction of Hazel,  filling in for the director who played the bass due to the absense of the groups usual bassists . It wasn't long before Hazel had everyone singing and some even dancing(it's true) as we sped through the program and kept the residents all happily singing until we reached the final pieces. As we finished the program we had requests to sing  "Till We Meet Again" and that all-time favourite piece "Amazing Grace". Hazel played the piano and we all sang along.

It was very noticible since our last performance at Beach Grove, the lack of many familiar faces, but one familiar face, that of Andy Northcott, was in evidence as he welcomed many of us to "His" home.


Sunday, October 21, 2012


St.Marks Presbyterian Church

This morning SMUG were at the home church of one of our founders, Ron Tallon. The church was St Mark's Presbyterian Church in Sherwood(which of course is really now Charlottetown). The clergy at the church are the Reverend Tom Hamilton and his wife, The Reverend Paula Hamilton. Together they make a wonderful team and Rev. Tom provided us and a full church with a message about getting t o heaven. Our anthem,"I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" was most appropriate and I have to say that SMUG's performance was the finest we have had to date. Everyone was in top notch form and the whole program went flawlessly from beginning to end, which ended in a standing ovation and many encouraging remarks from many of the congregation as well as the clergy. To be asked to "come back anytime" is a pretty positive bit of encouragement.

It must also be said in this blog, that Ron's wife, Marguerite, passed away last Sunday morning and to have carried on with this planned service, was a courageous effort on his part. We all offer our condolences to Ron at this very difficult time.....he is indeed a tower of strength

Organist and choir director Jacqueline Sorensen Young

Here we are again

Here they are
Congregation begins to arrive
Arriving Sunday Morning

Rehearsal on Saturday