Wednesday, August 29, 2012


James and Anne practising for their Indian River evening on the deck at Heidi and Rob's home
About 20-25 PEI ukulele players were treated to a workshop by James Hill at Indian River Church last Saturday afternoon, August 25..James, along with Anne Davison(Janelle) on cello, provided a most interesting hour or so of new and fun things to do on the fretboard of our ukuleles. In his words: "The ukulele is an easy instrument to learn to play, and many start out learning to chord and strum where there is a steep learning curve for a short while but then it quickly levels off".  "As a result, interest  wanes because the player is not advancing in new skills and learning". James taught us some inversion chords and we spent time doing a  "Premiere Performance" of "All Night Long" from his Ukulele in the Classroom book. James then spent some time explaining the value of jazz chords and the great sound that comes from incorporating some of them into well known classics like "Sway" which we all gave a try. The time finished up with James and Anne doing a selection for us from a previous performance "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" A fabulous ending to a great workshop. Those of you who were able to make the evening performance of James and Anne I understand were thrilled at the variety of entertainment they provided. Unfortunately a previous commitment prevented us from making it. We give thanks to Heidi Litke for providing the photos you see here.....she took a ton of them. I'm sorry you can't double click to enlarge them, because this can't be done with the small resolution.I hope Heidi might use her influence to persuade James and Anne to do something like this again on PEI in the future.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


ANDREW'S STRUMMERS put on a "Real Big Show" today as Andrews of Stratford held their annual outdoor barbecue and family picnic. Wonderful food compiled by chef Terry and served by the staff of Andrews.The STRUMMERS sand and played two sets, one before the meal was served and one following which had the visitors singing clapping and rolicking in their seat. Just We`Two (Ann and Molly) did several numbers also in the dining room while dinner was being served in there.  Sorry I missed getting all the photos I should have as well as some names of those who participated.  Rain was threatening during the barbecue and eventually a few drops drove most inside. But still a lot of fun had by all who visited and all who participated. The members of SMUG who direct and support th ANDREWS STRUMMERS were out in full support of the event.