After a long stormy day yesterday and a blustery cold morning , a few die hards from SMUG turned out for coffee, cookies, muffins and cheese from the kitchen of Darlene and Bob Acorn, and even jammed for an hour and a half, mostly from Jim Beloff's new Ukulele Daily songbook. It was our first time using the new book which has been acquired by most of our members. The morning only saw 10 Smuggers out, but we had a ball trying new pieces we had never played before. The book might begin to take over at least half of our Saturday morning time limit of two hours and a half. Our thanks to Jim and Liz Beloff for creating this wonderful book, so useful to new and old ukulele jammers alike.
On Thursday this week, February 24th, a panic email message from Sharon, the activity director at Andrews of Stratford came to us asking if we could provide some music for their monthly birthday party at Andrews. The booked performer came down with the flu and wasn't able to be there. A quick survey found eight free Smuggers who were more than willing to play and have some fun with the residents of Andrews. As always, Sharon took many wonderful pictures during the party, but room here hardly permits all to be downloaded. SMUG did about 20 numbers for the hour long party and discovered that music really can be made with only 6 ukuleles and a bass. We finished up the party with great birthday cupcakes served with some liquid refreshments. SMUG is aware that The Andrews Strummers, the ukulele group from Andrews of Stratford, are ready to provide music for some of the future birthday parties as they come along monthly at Andrews. The group have been practicing diligently every week and have now grown to 12 members or more, and having a wonderful time.
SMUG returned to the Garden Home today amid a construction project that has been going on since last summer. Originally we thought tomorrow, February 24th, was the day we were to appear, but making contact the first of this week discovered that today was their day for us and tomorrow was their moving day. Consequently we were missing several Smuggers due to previous commitments but pulled it off in great style nevertheless, and with great pride amidst wonderful applause and clapping and singing during our performance. Linda Harding, the activity director, welcomed us heartily and following an hour of songs we were graciously treated to cookies and ginger ale. A wonderful time was had by all, certainly SMUG, and we promised to return later in the year.
We are a group of about 30 ukulele players who meet every Saturday morning in STRATFORD, Prince Edward Island at the Hillsboro Funeral Home. We play and sing songs from varied genre, drink coffee, eat biscuits and cookies and prepare for performances at local seniors' residences and non-profit productions sponsored by community organizations.